Solution to Our Climate of Censorship

Voices For Freedom Campaign

Support a genuine solution to global censorship by backing this revealing documentary. Resist silence.

It was astonishing to me when I became aware that something so important could be censored so effectively.  Of course it was clear that the technology existed for censorship, but to suggest it could be achieved on the scale described by Dr. Peter McCullough in his Address to European Parliament on September 13, 2023, would have seemed like tin foil hat stuff back in 2018.  I probably would never have realized it myself how deeply and deliberately this censorship has embedded itself into our societies, if I hadn’t produced and published a documentary film about the very root of it, just before the pandemic began.

The censorship we are witnessing today is an inevitable consequence of a Vatican agreement made with Soviet Russia more than 60 years ago, which effectively ended the Vatican’s condemnation of Communism.  Today’s misinformation crisis is another inevitable consequence of the agreement.  It was impossible back then to imagine the impact such a simple agreement would have on these present times, but there is a famous Vatican prophecy about it – conveyed to three children in 1917, most cherished by the Catholic Church ever since, and published by the Vatican in the 1940s.  But as the world discovered in 1960, there are parts to this prophecy that the Vatican doesn’t want us to know about, and they are the parts that the prophet said were most essential for humanity to know in these times.

One of those parts is about the catastrophe that Communism is leading us to, and the simple solution which the prophecy refers to as the only solution possible.  But despite all its simplicity, the solution is not compatible with the Vatican agreement mentioned above, so it has been discarded and concealed while Communism has had the freedom to deceive and infiltrate Western civilization – enough to achieve an observable influence over us.  We had a taste of it since the start of the pandemic, and there is the unmistakable aura of Communism behind it all.  We are now living through the gradual fulfillment of the prophecy’s last prediction unfolding.

“And now I have told you before it comes to pass: that when it shall come to pass, you may believe.” John 14:29

The research about all this has been captured in The Vatican Deception – a feature documentary film that includes first-account interviews with Vatican insiders at the centre of this story. The film had its theatrical world premiere in London, England and appeared in limited theatres across Canada, receiving countless praises along the way. But the censors have so far interfered with every attempt I could make as an independent film producer to promote the film. And in this way, they have not allowed you the opportunity to decide for yourself if this film is important to you and your families or maybe just of interest to you, because you have been unjustly deprived of the opportunity to know about it.

The purpose of this campaign is to overcome the censorship by one small act from you, and I'm not necessarily talking about donations. The best way you can support this campaign is by either of the following:

  1. pre-purchase the film on DVD if it interests you (see how below), and/or
  2. share this campaign link with anyone you think would be interested in the DVD or this story.  The “Share” buttons are under the "Follow Us" button.

For more about the film, visit the website at

How to pre-purchase the film on DVD:

NOTE:  The DVD is available only in English for now, but we will ship it worldwide.

There are two steps for pre-purchasing the DVD:

  1. Follow us here on the Voices for Freedom Campaign ("VFF")
  2. Pre-purchase on Indiegogo when it launches (we’ll notify all VFF Followers)

This 2-step process is our simple strategy for overcoming the financial risks associated with the distribution of a censored film.  Your patience with this process is how you can support my efforts to overcome the censorship.  

Here’s more about each step:

Step 1:  Follow us now on the Voices for Freedom Campaign

The number of Followers on this Campaign will be our measure for how many supporters we have reached who may be interested in pre-purchasing the DVD. When we reach 22,000 Followers, an Email Notification will go out to all Followers to announce the launch of the Indiegogo campaign in Step 2, which is when you will have an opportunity to complete your pre-purchase with a specific date by which you can expect to receive the DVD.  The word “pre-purchase” here is intended to mean the DVDs are purchased before they are manufactured, and the DVDs will be manufactured by a specified date.  See Step 2 for more about it.  See also “Why is the Target 22,000?” below for more information.

To Follow us, fill out your email and click the “Follow Us” button under our campaign goal. You can help me reach the target just by sharing the link to this page.

Step 2:  Pre-purchase on Indiegogo when it launches

When we reach the Target of 22,000 followers, you'll receive a Notification announcing the start of the Indiegogo Campaign, which will last about 45 days.  The exact End Date will be part of the Notification.

During that time, the Indiegogo platform will give you an opportunity to make a refundable $20 “donation” to the campaign’s “DVD perk”. This is the price of the DVD. It’s called a refundable donation because if we don’t reach the target needed to manufacture the DVDs, Indiegogo will simply refund you your Indiegogo donation. But if the campaign reaches the equivalent of 22,000 DVD donations by the end of the Indiegogo Campaign, a DVD copy of The Vatican Deception will be shipped to everyone who “donated” the price of the DVD.

That’s it!

Your simple patience with this two-step process is all that is needed for this campaign to succeed.

If you have any questions about the film or this campaign, you can email me at [email protected].

For More Information, see below or visit the film’s website at



The additional information below includes:

  • Donations to GSG
  • Why is the Target 22,000 ?
  • A Few Final Words

Donations to GSG:

If you’d like to make a donation to this campaign, you can do so on the GSG platform at Please note that the GSG platform is not designed to provide refunds, so all GSG donations will be regarded as true donations to support me in my efforts to overcome the injustice of censorship that hurts us all.

As a show of thanks for your support, anyone who makes a single donation of $50 or more to this campaign on the GSG platform will receive a copy of the DVD (English only) shipped worldwide if we reach the financial target, and will also be entered into a series of draws: one draw to be held each time we reach an increment of $20,000 in new donations.  The selected name in each draw will receive an offer to appear on an audio podcast with the film’s director to give you a platform to share your story to the world about how you have been impacted by this new climate of censorship and deception.  The draws will continue until we reach the financial target.

What you give on GSG will reduce the target required to be reached on the Indiegogo Campaign, so your donations on GSG make a difference, no matter what the amount is.

If you prefer to wait until the Indiegogo Campaign, be sure to 
follow us above, and share this campaign. We can't remain silent against this form of censorship which threatens the very foundations of our democracies. Just by sharing this campaign, you are helping to support those foundations – particularly that inalienable right you have as an individual to speak and be heard.

We’re available at 
[email protected] if you have questions or need help with anything.

Why is the Target 22,000 DVDs ?

DVD duplication requires bulk orders to achieve the economies of scale that make the DVD affordable to you, the consumer. The more DVDs we duplicate in a single bulk order, the less it costs to make each one, and the less it costs for you to own one, so I need to place an order large enough to keep the DVD price reasonable for you. My challenge is that I don’t have the funds needed to buy a large quantity of DVDs because the censorship is preventing my production company from recovering the enormous debt incurred to produce this film, and in this way they have pushed me into a state of significant financial loss. This Target resolves all of these issues in a way that is risk-free for everybody, so everybody wins (except the censors).

The film is only available in English for now, but if these campaigns sufficiently exceed our target, translations to other languages will be considered.

A Few Final Words

Thank you for supporting the film by your patience with the two-step approach. This small, simple act of patience is your tangible way to help us overcome the censorship and to defend our most sacred rights and freedoms.  And for those who purchase the DVD, it will truly serve as a most meaningful and useful token of your support.

Please remember to support this campaign by Following it and Sharing the link to it with anyone you think would be interested in the DVD or this story.

For more about the film, visit:

Goal: 22,000

Followers so far: Loading...

Copyright 2024, All Rights Reserved

When we reach 22,000 Followers, the DVD will be available on Indiegogo.

Your details will be safely managed according to our Privacy Policy below.

Privacy Policy: We will not share your information with anyone except as needed to package and ship campaign Perks.  It will only be used for this purpose, or to provide updates about this campaign.